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Fee Structure
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* These rates are inclusive of APCs for Open Access publication, in an Impact Factor/Scopus indexed journal of our Platinum Sponsor Bentham Science (subject to their editorial acceptance).

Registration Type Registration Charges (USD)
1. Conference Registration inclusive of APCs
* Conference Registration (Academic / Corporate), inclusive of OA publication charges in an Impact Factor/Scopus-Indexed Publication
2. Students $340
3. Accompanying Person (Academic, if attending) $350
4. Accompanying Person (Corporate, if attending) $550
5. Session Speaker Academic (20-minute duration speaking slot) $800
6. Session Speaker Corporate (20-minute duration speaking slot) $1,050
7. Invited Speaker Academic (30-minute duration speaking slot) $900
8. Invited Speaker Corporate (30-minute duration speaking slot) $1,150
9. Exhibitor $1,190
10. Exhibitor Additional Nominee (if attending) $390
11. Online Presentation $390
12. Poster Presenter Academic $340
13. Poster Presenter Corporate $590
14. Delegate Academic $250
15. Delegate Corporate $450

Note: For the authors who have difficulties to pay US Dollars may pay in Euros as 1 Euro = 1.07 USD

Lunch Token: USD 35.00 per person per day (just an estimate)

Gala Dinner Token: USD 120.00 per person (just an estimate)